Saturday 1 October 2011

The Shining

The Shining - Stephen King
The Shining

Danny is only five years old, but he is a 'shiner', aglow with psychic voltage. When his father becomes a caretaker of an old hotel, his visions grow out of control. Cut off by blizzards, the hotel seems to develop an evil force, and who are the mysterious guests in the supposedly empty hotel?

summery by  

A brilliantly written and at times truly terrifying horror novel. With sufficient amounts of conventional gore and subtle literary techniques to make your spine crawl this completely absorbing novel is well worth it's slow introduction. The overlook hotel is brimming with secluded inescapable horror as it starts to take on a life of its own and the in-depth characters with their grim-reality backgrounds only serve to make the novel chillingly realistic. I would recommend this book to those who truly appreciate a profoundly deep horror novel with complex and intricate structure and content. 

Good Points:
  • Completely absorbing, utterly terrifying.
  • Written with amazing finesse, designed for full on gore and subtle nightmarish illusions.
Bad Points:
  • Slow beginning.
  • Aimed at generally older readers, not for the timorous. 
  • Buy, definitely a work of fiction worth adding to any collection. 


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